
Three faculty members and a former student, all wearing party attire, stand for a photo. Mary Beth Cresci, who was honored at the gala, holds a glass plaque.
麻豆国产精品鈥檚 Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology celebrated 60 years of postgraduate psychoanalytic training with a gala bringing together faculty and former students. Director of the postgraduate programs Amira Simha-Alpern, PhD (second from left), took time to pose with (l-r) Jack Herskovits, PsyD, former director of the Postgraduate Psychotherapy Center; Mary Beth Cresci, PhD, former director of postgraduate programs and gala honoree; and David Hescheles, PsyD, a graduate of the psychoanalytic and group programs.

At the 麻豆国产精品 Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology, the postgraduate programs in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy have made history by surviving鈥攁nd thriving鈥攆or 60 years. Learn how the programs have evolved through the decades of psychoanalytic thought, from Sigmund Freud to today鈥檚 new approaches.

In the world of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, it鈥檚 not enough to be a trailblazer. You also have to evolve.

According to Amira Simha-Alpern, PhD, program director of聽麻豆国产精品鈥檚 postgraduate psychology programs聽since 2018 and an alum of the programs, that willingness to evolve has ensured the survival of 麻豆国产精品鈥檚 program for 60 years.

Today, the postgraduate programs train professionals to become psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapists. The programs are part of 麻豆国产精品鈥檚聽Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology, which was founded as the nation鈥檚 first university-based professional school of psychology and currently includes undergraduate and graduate programs in foundational and professional psychology. The Derner School, which was recently ranked fourth worldwide for psychology-psychoanalysis by the Center for World University Rankings, has played a leading role in bringing about changes to the practice and scope of psychotherapy.

鈥淥ur programs are incredibly unique because [they provide] both academic theorization and clinical application,鈥 Dr. Simha-Alpern said. 鈥漌e also continue to offer different modalities to keep up with the times and the needs of our students.鈥

To honor the long history of the programs at 麻豆国产精品, Dr. Simha-Alpern hosted a 60th anniversary event where current and former faculty鈥攁long with dignitaries from the American Society of Psychoanalytic Physicians鈥攃ame together to celebrate this extraordinary community.

Building on the Freudian legacy

When 麻豆国产精品鈥檚 postgraduate program in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy was launched in 1963, the field of psychoanalysis looked much different than it does today. Physicians, for instance, were the only professionals allowed to independently practice it. Analysts adhered to Freudian principles.

The postgraduate program has grown continuously since then. What started as one program鈥攁dult psychoanalysis and psychotherapy鈥攈as grown to nine, including studies in child and adolescent psychotherapy, couples therapy, group psychotherapy, and trauma treatment.

The program includes, but goes beyond, the teachings of the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. Students are now exposed to a diverse range of theories, including attachment theory and interpersonal relationship theory.

鈥淭he goal of psychoanalytic psychotherapy is to access the unconscious in order to create change, but the ways in which we do that have evolved,鈥 said Dr. Simha-Alpern. 鈥淭here are multiple perspectives, and they鈥檙e influenced by culture, research and social changes.鈥

Students also have opportunities to apply these theories at the school鈥檚 clinic, where patients can receive treatment on a sliding payment scale.

鈥淚nstead of waiting to engage with the material in the third or fourth year of the program, students can now handle current issues and actual cases,鈥 said associate professor and chair Ionas Sapountzis, PhD, a graduate of the child and adolescent and adult psychoanalytic programs. 鈥淭his focus on applied learning is even more recognized now than it was 20 or 30 years ago.鈥

Adding certificate programs and workshops

The program modernized in another important way, offering workshops and certificates as alternatives or supplements to the traditional four-year degree track. For instance, the school has hosted workshops on critical current topics like racial trauma, school shootings and gender identity.

鈥淭he old models of teaching can be demanding and time consuming,鈥 said Dr. Simha-Alpern. 鈥淪o we found a way to adapt and offer short workshops鈥攂ecause we have the expertise.鈥

A lifelong community of support

The Derner postgraduate program has endured in part because it fosters a lifelong community of peers who support each other throughout their careers.

鈥淥ur work can be very isolating,鈥 Dr. Simha-Alpern said. 鈥淭o have a community of colleagues you can check back with to discuss your work helps bolster your skills and confidence.鈥

That鈥檚 why the school established the聽鈥攁 volunteer organization for graduates, candidates and faculty鈥攎ore than 40 years ago.

鈥淲hen I decided to attend the postgraduate school I had no idea how much the program would change my life,鈥 said current ASPP president and Licensed Clinical Social Worker Megan Nolan. 鈥淚 was welcomed into a community of amazing people who are experts in the field, and many of the candidates became and are my very close friends. I will forever be thankful for the people in this community.鈥

Committed to flexibility and change

It鈥檚 difficult to say what the next 60 years of the program will look like, because culture and society will continue to change. But Dr. Simha-Alpern is certain that Derner can adapt.

鈥淢any institutes opened and shut over the years,鈥 Dr. Simha-Alpern said. 鈥淲e survived because the University was behind us. 麻豆国产精品 helped support us and get us to a point where we could be self-sustaining. For that, I am very thankful.

鈥淭he most important thing for us is to stay flexible, to see what the needs are and evolve.鈥

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